Thiennam Pharma
THIEN NAM PHARMA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY was founded in 2012, operating in the field of pharmaceuticals. Our headquarter is located in Ho Chi Minh City, with products covering new markets and drawing good feedback from customers and partners. THIEN NAM PHARMA strongth growth in recent years has helped us maintain a reliable and prestigious position in Vietnam pharmaceutical market.
Rising with us is a team of young, enthusiastic, and dynamic talents. Above all, we value the importance of talent recruitment and systematic staff training (company activities, ISO procedure, product information…) before work assignment.
THIEN NAM PHARMA represents leading European pharmaceutical companies: Strop Laboratoires – (Belgium); ACM Laboratoires- (France), Lysaskin Laboratoires (Pháp); Instituto Espanol (Span); Densmore Laboratoires (Monaco)… After 7 years, THIEN NAM PHARMA has helped partners expand market all over Vietnam. These hard-to-please partners have really been satisfied with the results when cooperating with THIEN NAM PHARMA.
In Vietnam, THIEN NAM PHARMA also maintains a stable, long-term relationship with market-leading companies: Codupha, Khuong Duy… These cooperation has enabled quality products to reach top hospitals (Bach Mai, Cho Ray, Viet Duc, Tu Du, National Gynecology…)
According to statistics, the incidence of chronic diseases in Vietnam is increasing day by day, since the people’s sense of health care is also high. Realizing the necessity of medical services, Thiennam Pharma has been the bridge to bring the best essence of the medicine of European countries to the people of Vietnam.
Thiennam Pharma has always expanded its distribution market to bring quality products and affordable prices to poor people in rural and mountainous areas.
Thiennam Pharma coordinates large corporations that regularly organize conferences, seminars to invite leading experts of the world and Vietnamese professors to foster the latest medical knowledge for doctors. The program always receives enthusiastic response from Cho Ray Hospital, Bach Mai, Viet Duc, Tu Du …
Vision – Mission:
Becoming among Top 10 Vietnamese phamaceutical company in 2020 is the goal of every employee in THIEN NAM PHARMA. The team of young, enthusiastic employees will accomplish the gold of “Quality first, everything for community health”.
Commit to apply, maintain, and regularly improve the Quality management system in accordance with international standards
ISO 13485 and ISO 9001

Head office:
- Address: 20/28/72 Ho Dac Di Str,Tay Thanh Ward, Tan Phu Dist., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Tel: (+84) 028 3842 9774
- Email: info@thiennampharma.com
- Website: www.thiennampharma.com
Brand office:
- No.74, 817A Ta Quang Buu Str, Ward.5 , Dist.8, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Tel: (+84) 028 3850 7469
- Email: info@thiennampharma.com
- Website: www.thiennampharma.com